Annie Cannons

Lawrence chose to join the board of Annie cannons during 2019 due to a shared passion for closing access gaps to underserved communities. He has served as chair since 2021. Annie Cannons (Y Combinator S’18), is a national non-profit organization that provides software engineering education and career opportunities to the survivors of human labor and sex trafficking and gender-based violence. He chairs the executive committee and sits on the audit committee and the governance and nominating committees. As chair, he led the Annie Cannons board through a CEO transition and partnered with the successor CEO to revamp and expand the board and select and onboard new directors. The transition also included an expanded vision and strategic direction that refreshed executive compensation and goals for the organization. He is also certified in cyber security risk management and strategy.

Why “Annie Cannons”?

Annie “Jump” Cannon (December 11, 1863 – April 13, 1941) was an American astronomer whose cataloging work was instrumental in the development of contemporary stellar classification. With Edward C. Pickering, she is credited with the creation of the Harvard Classification Scheme, which was the first serious attempt to organize and classify stars based on their temperatures and spectral types. She was nearly deaf throughout her career after 1893, as a result of scarlet fever. She was a suffragist and a member of the National Women’s Party.